Welcome to experts layout series where we discuss the advance layouts, house plans and do mapping. Today I am going to show you amazing models of Kitchen layouts that are not bigger than 12 by 12 which is very common measurement in US. So let’s jump in:
Kitchen is important part of the home specially, when you are choosing the layout of kitchen the following thing in mind is necessary before constructing the kitchen. First search on the internet and take ideas of different kitchen layout. Cooking station, washing and cleaning up station, food storage space etc. The best kitchen layout is 12×12.
12 by12 kitchen layout meaning is the length and width of the kitchen is 12 feet’s from both side. This type of kitchen is popular now a day because the size of the kitchen is in square form.
Cooking Station
In twelve x twelve kitchen layout the cooking station is in front on the kitchen that is easily too cooked. The size of the kitchen layout is very good because all the thing in kitchen is easily adjust.
Washing and cleaning up station
Washing and cleaning up station is right side of the kitchen that looking well adjust in kitchen.
12X12 kitchen Floor Plans Ideas
Selecting for the Kitchen cabinet color
The color of the kitchen cabinet is also important make sure the color of kitchen cabinet is depend on the theme of the kitchen. If theme of the kitchen is light then the color use of cabinet is dark like dark brown color is good for the kitchen cabinet.
The more ideas of kitchen layout is take through these images. This pictures is helpful for selecting the layout of the kitchen.